
Have been offline a couple of days, considering options.

After another soggy night on Wednesday, and the prospect of more wet feet and roads I went into town instead (Dieuze). Spent a day considering what I want to do. The conclusion is I don’t want another 3 to 4 weeks of this before the mountains.

The walk is not quite what I was expecting – its all very rural and agricultural rather than wild or interesting. And unlike the USA hikes, there is no “community” around this walk. Only met 1 couple doing a few days on it in the entire month.

Hasn’t been a waste of time. 600 miles in a month has been enough to clear my head, and restore a bit of faith in human nature! And I did get to see some bits of Europe I wouldn’t otherwise have visited.

To finish with a quote from Forrest Gump….”I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now”.

(P.S. I can’t feel one of my toes now. Hopefully short term)